Sunday, May 29, 2005

hmmz yea

hmmz here to blog agaiin .
changed my layout agaiin .
changed my song agaiin .
haha everything ends wif agaiin . wahahas

hmmz ii had credited all those ppl / websites
who had helped mie alotz .
thakiews !

urmms . im crazy over inuyasha .
wahahas . inuyasha rox .
my blog is full of inuyasha .
hahahas .

hmm tml hab supp lessons seh .
extra loh .
hate it .
coz me to lose slp .
diao lah .
stupid extra lessons !

haiyo tml muz wake up beri early
waste my energy
waste my time
waste my slp
argh argh argh .

hmm i had changed the song to dearest
aka inuyasha de tv theme
so niice . inuyasha !

aiyoh stop all my crappings liao lahhs
todae went out saw a boi kinda cute seh . wahahahs .

hmmz . yea kor online le .
ii waited for him
for so long
and he finally online

mie gtg nw .
slp .. zzz ..
buaiz !


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